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Everything posted by Arabu

  1. Hai ca dupa asta ma impusc.. de cand include-urile se termin cu .dll sau .so omule? =)) eu stiam ca pluginurile nu include-urile... dmn ???? fa update la pluginuri. Hau mamaaa, @Dani3l. ma impusc si eu pe langa tine ????
  2. This script shows a ping and fps label above the player's head it's pretty useful for DM server Screens Download : Amx: [Protected content] PWN: [Protected content] Pastebin: [Protected content]
  3. Sa nu-mi zici ca ti-ai postat versiunea finala la care ai lucrat tu ?
  4. Nice PS : pasta nu ti-l mai copii ca l-am facut si eu acm ceva timp :))
  5. Dragut , nu e cine stie ce sistemul , dar da bine cu acele textdraw-uri ! Feclicitari pentru munca depusa !
  6. Arabu


    Ce-ai facu bro , ti-ai postat munca pe aici ? Sau este o versiune veche a gm-ului?
  7. Anti Drive-By INFO MAX_WARNING - 3 //can change to yours If player was shot reason: (drive-by) he will not get damage! Once player reaches max warnings he will get kicked. IMG: PASTEBIN : [/hide] https://pastebin.com/SAXHNW9r [/hide] CREDITS: SA-MP team - a_samp ME - Anti Drive-By (ADB)
  8. Cel mai probabil este streameru , fa-i un update...
  9. progress3D.inc After the 2D textdraw-based version of progress bars, here now comes the 3D version. This library lets you create progress bars in 3D space. It's basically just two overlapping 3D text labels, one being moved slightly to the right to fill in those gaps between the characters. Have fun with it! Repository Functions Bar3D:CreateProgressBar3D(layout, fill_color, background_color, Float:max_value, Float:init_value, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:drawdistance, attachedplayer = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, attachedvehicle = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, testlos = 0, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = STREAMER_3D_TEXT_LABEL_SD, STREAMER_TAG_AREA areaid = STREAMER_TAG_AREA -1) Creates a 3D progress bar. DestroyProgressBar3D(Bar3D:barid) Destroys a 3D progress bar. GetProgressBar3DValue(Bar3D:barid) Returns the current progress value. SetProgressBar3DValue(Bar3D:barid, Float:value) Updates the value of the specified 3D progress bar. GetProgressBar3DFillColor(Bar3D:barid) Returns the fill color of the specified 3D progress bar. SetProgressBar3DFillColor(Bar3D:barid, fill_color) Updates the fill color of the specified 3D progress bar. GetProgressBar3DBackgroundColor(Bar3D:barid) Returns the background color of the specified 3D progress bar. SetProgressBar3DBackgroundColor(Bar3D:barid, background_color) Updates the background color of the specified 3D progress bar. GetProgressBar3DMaxValue(Bar3D:barid) Returns the maximum value of the specified 3D progress bar. SetProgressBar3DMaxValue(Bar3D:barid, Float:max_value) Updates the maximum value of the specified 3D progress bar. GetProgressBar3DLayout(Bar3D:barid) Returns the layout of the specified 3D progress bar. SetProgressBar3DLayout(Bar3D:barid, layout) Updates the layout of the specified 3D progress bar. IsValidProgressBar3D(Bar3D:barid) Returns true, if the specified 3D progress bar ID is valid and exists. Changelog v1.3 Added a new parameter layout with three new bar layout options BAR_3D_LAYOUT_THIN BAR_3D_LAYOUT_NORMAL BAR_3D_LAYOUT_THICK Added GetProgressBar3DLayout(Bar3D:barid) and SetProgressBar3DLayout(Bar3D:barid, layout) v1.2.1 Fixed getter functions (forgot to add "_:" to the returned value) v1.2 Added the parameter Float:max_value to Bar3D:CreateProgressBar3D(...) Added GetProgressBar3DMaxValue(Bar3D:barid) Added SetProgressBar3DMaxValue(Bar3D:barid, Float:max_value) Updated the testing script v1.1 Code optimizations Internal check if value ranges from 0 to 100. v1.0 Initial release
  10. Autor : Mister Salut, cu ceva timp in urma am postat un video in care va intrebam si va ceream cateva sfaturi despre un sistem de case opening. Am abandanot "proiectul" pentru o perioada iar zilele acestea m am reapucat si dupa ce l am terminat si finisat, m am gandit sa il postez, de ce? de ce nu. Descriere:  Sistemul este realizat in intregime de mine (asa lucrez eu indiferent, nu mai lucrez la comun sau la edit) V 1.0 Prima versiune se putea utiliza doar de un player plus optimizare si cod scris prost, am postat la imagini si video acum ceva timp Functioneaza pentru mai multi playeri in acelasi timp 5 tipuri de iteme: Common 48% UnCommon 23% Rare 16% Ultra Rare 11% Legendary 2% Sistemul este inspirat din CS:GO Sunete ca in CS:GO atunci cand se trece peste iteme si 3 sunete distincte pentru primele 3 clase de iteme Nu aveti nevoie de streamer este creat doar din obiecte globale Obiectele sunt create la 700metri deasupra playerului deci nu pot incurca Sistemul nu contine textdrawuri deoarece asa ceva nu se poate realiza din acestea desi da impresia 210 obiecte vor fi create pentru fiecare player care deschide o cutie si vor fi distruse imediat dupa Numele Cantitatea si Itemele care pot fi castigate la cutie pot fi usor modificate Destul de ordonat, optimizat si bine aranjat zic eu pentru 300 de linii de cod dar oriunde e loc de mai bine Pastebin : [Protected content] Download pawn : [Protected content] VirusTotal : https://www.virustotal.com/ro/url/18b1927e676a625a04c5ff6435c34398c86a0767893fb81c49ededb3277bd567/analysis/1536017014/ Video :
  11. Vezi ca ti-a fugit cadoul de la quest =))
  12. bugzone la putere :)) arata bine din poze , gg pentru munca depusa.
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