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Posts posted by smartfatkid

  1. Hello today i'm gonna show you a method with which you can get a free UK card with 15€ on it.

    Reply on this thread to see the hidden content.


    You have full method on my blog. (link in hidden spot)

    Also i have another posts about tips, tricks, how to, tutorials, make money online and other stuff.


    Also you can see all my method to make money online on my blog: 







  2. Hello guys, today i'm going to show you a guaranteed money maker method that makes over 20$ per day and 150$ per week or more
    I'm going to report leechers 
    This method is 100% autopilot, and you don't need to do nothing, just hold on the PC
    Step 1. Register on this website: http://bit.ly/31Rn5KA (if you will register with my refferal link, you will receive 0.50$ free) 
    Step 2. Go login into website and click on "New Shorten Link" from the left side on page, and shorten a random link (eg. google.ie , youtube.com , google.com) or any link.
    Step 3. Copy the shortened link and prepare it for do money.
    Step 4. Download this program to make traffic on the shortened link which is paid for CPM.

    -> http://www.ipts.com/download.php
    Step 5. Look below at pics how to use the program from step 4.
    -> Picture 1: https://imgur.com/a/RE25B7q
    -> Picture 2: https://imgur.com/a/hWKySKs
    and click OK
    Step 6. Until your money is ready to be withdraw, you need to go on website from step 1.
    -> Click below on left side at "Settings" -> "Profile"
    You need to choose the Withdrawal Method -> PayPal, Bitcoin, Web Money, Bank Transfer.
    Under the Withdrawal Method, you have a box to fill with your email, wallet address, purse or the things of bank account.
    For example, i use PayPal, so you will put your email ex: emailaddress@yahoo.com . The email need to be your email of paypal account.
    7. You're done to make money. If you didn't understood nothing about this method, this method will make traffic views on your shortened url, where you will get money by traffic.
    Minimum payout:
    PayPal €3.00 (most recommended)
    Bitcoin €25.00
    Web Money €3.00
    Bank Transfer €50.00
    You can make small amounts which will help you in few hours. The amount won depend so much on your network connection and how much you will hold on the PC.
    This method will not farm your gpu or cpu, is not mining, you don't need to make worries about your awesome gaming pc. You can play something when you make traffic or you can let it when you go away from home.. like to school, job, party, gf.
    The site is 100% legit, it pay, you will don't waste nothing if you try, for 3 euros to withdraw you just need to make traffic around 1-2h.
    I swear that you will be more rich if you read my topic. +rep if you still make money and read that.

  3. Hello guys, today i'm going to show you a guaranteed money maker method that makes over 20$ per day and 150$ per week or more
    I'm going to report leechers 
    This method is 100% autopilot, and you don't need to do nothing, just hold on the PC
    Step 1. Register on this website: http://bit.ly/31Rn5KA (if you will register with my refferal link, you will receive 0.50$ free) 
    Step 2. Go login into website and click on "New Shorten Link" from the left side on page, and shorten a random link (eg. google.ie , youtube.com , google.com) or any link.
    Step 3. Copy the shortened link and prepare it for do money.
    Step 4. Download this program to make traffic on the shortened link which is paid for CPM.

    -> http://www.ipts.com/download.php
    Step 5. Look below at pics how to use the program from step 4.
    -> Picture 1: https://imgur.com/a/RE25B7q
    -> Picture 2: https://imgur.com/a/hWKySKs
    and click OK
    Step 6. Until your money is ready to be withdraw, you need to go on website from step 1.
    -> Click below on left side at "Settings" -> "Profile"
    You need to choose the Withdrawal Method -> PayPal, Bitcoin, Web Money, Bank Transfer.
    Under the Withdrawal Method, you have a box to fill with your email, wallet address, purse or the things of bank account.
    For example, i use PayPal, so you will put your email ex: emailaddress@yahoo.com . The email need to be your email of paypal account.
    7. You're done to make money. If you didn't understood nothing about this method, this method will make traffic views on your shortened url, where you will get money by traffic.
    Minimum payout:
    PayPal €3.00 (most recommended)
    Bitcoin €25.00
    Web Money €3.00
    Bank Transfer €50.00
    You can make small amounts which will help you in few hours. The amount won depend so much on your network connection and how much you will hold on the PC.
    This method will not farm your gpu or cpu, is not mining, you don't need to make worries about your awesome gaming pc. You can play something when you make traffic or you can let it when you go away from home.. like to school, job, party, gf.
    The site is 100% legit, it pay, you will don't waste nothing if you try, for 3 euros to withdraw you just need to make traffic around 1-2h.
    I swear that you will be more rich if you read my topic. +rep if you still make money and read that.

  4. nepoate, ai uitat sa precizezi ca tu m-ai confundat cu fanul meu, Uzzi25 care e scripter de samp, iar eu UzziAdv.. ba copchile, pastreaza reclamatia pentru tine si familia ta bai, ca tu traiesti aci pe forum si in comunitatea de samp, eu nu am mai treaba cu asa cv, sa iau si ban pe forum, reputatie naspa, nu ma mai joc nimic, n-am treaba, te-am pupat copil inconstient neinsufletit care nu stie sa citeasca uzzi25 / uzziadv.. E VREO DIFERENTA ?!


  5. Hey  :hype: 
    astazi am sa va arat o metoda cum sa luati giftcards / skinuri pe gratis
    tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti e sa va verificati email-ul la cont, sa le instalati aplicatia pe tel (ios/android) -> in caz ca vreti coins extra
    daca nu, doar completati surveys,offers sau va uitati la reclame(ads)
    Giftcards pe care le poti lua:
    • Steam
    • PSN
    • Fortnite
    • Xbox
    • Play Store
    • Blizzard
    • Spotify
    • iTunes
    • Amazon
    • Netflix
    • Skype
    • Hulu
    • Nintendo
    • Riot Games
    • Skin Baron
    • OPskins
    1. logheaza-te aci:  https://clickloot.com/
    2. Click Log-in si logheaza-te prin Steam (sau fa un cont cu email dar steam e mai rapid)
    3. vei fi redirectionat la /earn
    4. dai click pe " Rewards "  si baga codul meu " yosoypablito "  sa primesti 250 credits extra
    5. du-te inapoi la " Earn Credits " si completeaza o oferta (Ones that 100% work: AdGate Media (Your Surveys) +510 credits) + AdScendMedia (Points for watching ads).  Daca tu vei completa orice oferta vei primii undeva la 100 credite + un daily bonus tot de 100 credite la "Rewards"
    You can leave ads playing all day, sometimes it will ask " are you still here? " just click yes and it will start watching them again.
    Poti lasa sa te uiti la ads toata ziua, dar din cand in cand o sa te intrebe " are you still here? " asta inseamna "esti inca aici?" .. doar dai click pe yes si vei incepe dinou sa te uiti.
    Deci daca te inregistrezi, baga codul de mai sus si ai 250 credite
    fa un survey pentru 510 credite si vei avea 760 credite + 100 din daily bonus deci 860 credits cu totu (undeva la 0.70$) in mai putin de 10 minutes in care tu poti da withdraw instant la un cs:go skin sau sa pastrezi creditele pentru a le strange sa scoti ceva mai misto alta data.. eventual un giftcard pentru ce ai nevoie.
     dovada ca merge:
    cel mai ieftin skin de scos, in mai putin de 10 minute(de pe site):
    trade offers vin in mai putin de 2 minute
    nu leechuii
  6. La 27.09.2018 la 21:33, imProtus a spus:


    1.Accesam MyMonero.Com si creăm un wallet.

    2.Dupa crearea contului o sa primiti o adresa ca aceasta 



    Minarea de XMR va fi facuta pe un terminal de tip LINUX 

    3.Instalam package-urile necesare folosind comanda :

    sudo apt-get install git libcurl4-openssl-dev build-essential libjansson-dev autotools-dev automake

    4. Descarcam MINER-UL dupa GITHUB folosind comanda :

    git clone https://github.com/hyc/cpuminer-multi

    5.Deschidem director-ul ( FOLDER-UL ) "cpuminer-multi"

    folosind comanda : cd cpuminer-multi

    6.Facem configurarea initiala cu comenzile de mai jos

    CFLAGS="-march=native" ./configure

    7.Instalam MINER-UL  folosind comanda :    
    sudo make install

    8.Incepem minarea folosind comanda :


    sudo ./minerd -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://xmrpool.techaroha.com:3333 -u YOURWALLETXMR -p themissingfloor_myproject_55  > output.log 2>&1 &
    Sper ca tutorial-ul  va fost de folos.


    dc nu faci si pe gpu pt rig-uri fiule? ????

  7. La 02.01.2019 la 2:02, Wildo a spus:

    Username: Wildo
    Varsta: 18
    Ce fel de servicii oferi?: Pawn
    Pret: Discutabil
    Detalii de contact: PM forum / website.
    Alte precizari:

    Salut si bine v-am gasit, in momentele ce urmeaza vreau sa va fac o scurta prezentare a cunostintelor respectiv serviciilor pe care le ofer.

    Cunosc in proportie de 90% limbajul pawn, html, respectiv php.

    Pot efectua sisteme la comanda, preturi incepand de la 3  la 15 euro, in functie de complexitatea acestuia.

    Plata se face dupa terminarea sistemului, preview-ul se face live folosind aplicatia Supremo, sau testarea direct de pe server.

    - Ofer servicii web-design.


    Mai jos o sa va las o scurta prezentare cu platforma mea de servicii pawn, care este in continua dezvoltare si este valabila la adresa:













    - Cateva exemple de lucrari:


    - Sistem de activity quest ( la fiecare tura de job primesti intre x-x puncte de activitate ) 

    - cand atingi 950 de puncte folosesti /getprize si poti primii un premiu aleatoriu, dintre care cel mai rar fiind un Cheetah.



    - Sistem de tip '''mistery box', este un sistem de event static, ce consta in spawnarea random a unei cutii in tot Los Santos-ul. Este necesar sa te aflii la 2 metrii de cutie pentru ca serverul sa te recunoasca cum ca tu ai gasit cutia. 
    Premiul este pe masura, si desigur selectabil.



    - Speedometer & logo & hud calitativ.


    - Sistem de drift dinamic cu mai multe functii si facilitati. 
    Statusul driftului se actualizeaza cu un deelay de 2 secunde, altfel decat la speedometer (in caz ca va intrebati), si salveaza ultima sesiune de drift, adica ultimul drift facut.
    Banii se calculeaza in functie de distanta de drift inmultita cu unghiul vehiculului si impartita la 5. 
    Este necesar ca driftul sa dureze minim 3 secunde pentru a se calcula suma castigata.


    Factiuni pe categorii


    Job Baggage deliver


    - Sistem de neoane pentru vehiculele personale


    - Stats frumos structurat, cu multe informatii








    - Sistem de gps avansat


    Sistem de misiuni speciale, in curand preview video.



    - sistem de order.

    - Armele cumparate prima data se salveaza dupa moarte/respawn doar daca te aflii intr-un war, altfel este necesar sa le cumperi din nou la fiecare spawnare.


    Si multe, multe alte sisteme si noutati, insa mai multe o sa postez in curand pe Youtube.


    Va multumsc frumos pentru timpul acordat, sarbatori fericite tuturor!





    Platforma veche preview:



    trebuia sa pastrezi copyright-u' in footer de la template.. ????

  8. La 10.01.2019 la 0:25, Blue a spus:

    Caut fondator sa ma ajute cu bani pentru un proiect serios gen communitate gaming bazata pe samp !
    Caut seriozitate! Pm Discord: BlueAdv#2006 daca te bagi !

    Web Developing Services -> http://uzzi.xyz

    forum, configurare, wordpress, platforme, sql, css, php, backend, frontend, html, panel.

    discord: UzziAdv#1883

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