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Everything posted by C0st1n

  1. Mersi, daca ai putea sa faci si un B-zone Pack , adica cu safezone textdraw si toate nebunelile..
  2. Am rezolvat, dar acum cand pornesc serverul cu nativechecker imi da asta pe cmd: [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Init' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Join' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Leave' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_row_count' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_field_content' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_field_content_int' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_get_field_content_float' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_format' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_tquery' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'sscanf' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_query' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_insert_id' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'cache_delete' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_log' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_errno' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_close' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'WP_Hash' [14:36:47] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_escape_string' [14:36:47] Script[gamemodes/new.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [14:36:47] Number of vehicle models: 0 Ma gandesc ca poate o fi de la plugins, dar le am pe toate updatate..
  3. Pai si eu cum imi dau seama pe ce versiune de MySQL a lucrat el, asa e gamemode, e gamemode GOLANII RPG..
  4. Nup, eroare persista, e ceva de la plugin si nu stiu ce sa modific la gamemode ca sa nu mai dea erorile astea, sigur este ceva adaugat in noua versiune de MySQL si nu este adaugat in gm, dar nu stiu cum sa il modific.
  5. Deci, am updatat gamemode cu mysql, si dupa compilez gamemode si imi da : ../modules/register.pwn(22) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition ../modules/register.pwn(26) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content" ../modules/register.pwn(27) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/register.pwn(28) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(34) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition ../modules/factions.pwn(39) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(43) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(44) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(45) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(46) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(47) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(48) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(49) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(50) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_float" ../modules/factions.pwn(51) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_float" ../modules/factions.pwn(52) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_float" ../modules/factions.pwn(53) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_float" ../modules/factions.pwn(54) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_float" ../modules/factions.pwn(55) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_float" ../modules/factions.pwn(59) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content_int" ../modules/factions.pwn(61) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content" ../modules/factions.pwn(62) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content" ../modules/factions.pwn(63) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content" ../modules/factions.pwn(64) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content" ../modules/factions.pwn(65) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content" ../modules/factions.pwn(66) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content" ../modules/factions.pwn(67) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content" ../modules/factions.pwn(68) : error 017: undefined symbol "cache_get_field_content" Cu ce pot sa il inlocuiesc ca vad ca asa nu merge..
  6. E updatat cel din server files, la cel din gm nush daca e updatat ...
  7. Username: Heloo12018 Problema întălnită: Primesc aceasta eroare cand pornesc serverul pe localhost : https://imgur.com/a/iTB6YWz Detalii despre problemă: Aceste erori pe care le vedeti cu "Error: Function..." sunt mesajele trimise de la nativechecker. Ce ai încercat să faci înainte să postezi?: Sa updatez pluginurile si sa recompilez gamemode. Cod sursă (recomandat pastebin.com) : Gamemode GOLANII RPG! Alte detalii: Nu am.
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