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  1. Like
    577777 got a reaction from Syko for a status update, An nou fericit si plin de impliniri tuturor 🫶 🏼   
    An nou fericit si plin de impliniri tuturor 🫶🏼
  2. Like
    577777 got a reaction from pericsq_0 for a status update, An nou fericit si plin de impliniri tuturor 🫶 🏼   
    An nou fericit si plin de impliniri tuturor 🫶🏼
  3. Ador
    577777 got a reaction from rollercoaster for a status update, hello there   
    hello there
  4. Ador
    577777 got a reaction from quix for a status update,   
  5. Haha
    577777 got a reaction from Syko for a status update, cn mai e si asta   
    cn mai e si asta
  6. Like
    577777 got a reaction from CostiiAdv for a status update, hai la mn in mafie pe broland sa l futem pe skyled   
    hai la mn in mafie pe broland sa l futem pe skyled
  7. Like
    577777 got a reaction from irinelbro69 for a status update, 1 la mana da mi vip 2 la picior pe broland tpup   
    1 la mana da mi vip 2 la picior pe broland tpup
  8. Like
    577777 got a reaction from ViewS for a status update, welcome to the team   
    welcome to the team
  9. Haha
    577777 got a reaction from keNN. for a status update, Da-mi adresa sa-ti trimit masina de spalat rufe Whirlpool FFS7238WEE, 7kg, 1200 RPM,   
    Da-mi adresa sa-ti trimit masina de spalat rufe Whirlpool FFS7238WEE, 7kg, 1200 RPM, Clasa A+++, Motor Inverter, FreshCare+, Alb, pt manager.
  10. Ador
    577777 got a reaction from Kramppers for a status update, Prea Smecheritul Kramppers! Respect, ce opulenta cu armura aia de aur de 100 de kile.   
    Prea Smecheritul Kramppers! Respect, ce opulenta cu armura aia de aur de 100 de kile. Sa nu mai zic de Mercedes-urile impotriva saraciei.
  11. Like
    577777 got a reaction from L0K3D for a status update, Castiel, respect!   
    Castiel, respect!
  12. Ador
    577777 reacted to GabiVlgS for a status update, Cum e cu g. moderator ?:))   
    Cum e cu g. moderator ?:))
  13. Ador
    577777 reacted to zeca for a status update, sint fercit te iubesc leaks.ro   
    sint fercit te iubesc leaks.ro
  14. Ador
    577777 reacted to s0nyx for a status update, Esti bun de coach! 🥰   
    Esti bun de coach! 🥰
  15. Ador
    577777 reacted to essex for a status update, arena.leaks.ro bai astia   
    arena.leaks.ro bai astia
  16. Haha
    577777 reacted to PORO for a status update, Leaks ma intreaba cum ma simt... eu ii raspund cu Per fect   
    Leaks ma intreaba cum ma simt... eu ii raspund cu Perfect
  17. Like
    577777 got a reaction from keNN. for a status update, Cand eram activ, pl aplicatii, intru si eu acm sa vad ce e aici si sunt aplicatile on   
    Cand eram activ, pl aplicatii, intru si eu acm sa vad ce e aici si sunt aplicatile on.
  18. Upvote
    577777 got a reaction from FoxBlood for a status update, Nu am planuri de viitor, traiesc in prezent.   
    Nu am planuri de viitor, traiesc in prezent.
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