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  1. HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL VOICEMOD PRO V2.6.0.7 Extract the downloaded files, The password to extract will always be: SkkoL Run VoicemodSetup_2.6.0.7.exe and install the software Copy VoicemodDesktop.exe from the Crack folder into your installation directory, and replace the previous file You now have the full version of Voicemod Pro v2.6.0.7 installed on your PC DOWNLOAD: [Protected content]
    3 points
  2. Download (MEGA.nz) : [Protected content]
    1 point
  3. Tineti-va de stomac, si furati, daca aveti ce fura ca asa cod prost n-au vazut toti stramosii mei de la peste incepand. Download: [Protected content] Daca sterge pseudo-scripteru videoclipu, aia e - - - edit: si-a scos orfanu clipu https://www.youtube.com/c/MihaiADV/videos
    1 point
  4. QUARK DRAINER Get rid of all lack of money headaches PRICE : $5 000 What you get when you buy for a "huge" $5 000 + All sources of QuarkDrainer (backend, frontend, smart contract) + Instructions on how to install and get started. + Invitation to the closed community who bought the drainer + Author's manuals and articles on how to work with the drainer, traffic (5 pcs) + Technical support + Regular developments, the fastest innovations of new features (free) +- Maybe I'll give you a Thai massage. QUARK DRAINER - Without a doubt No1 drainer. Here you do not go to a lottery, I hope the functionality and materials all clear without unnecessary water in this port. So here's a little bit about me, I've been coding for 6 years, 2 years since I quit working for the shops and went gray my base is ES6, Git, MongoDB, DOM, AJAX, jQuery, Javascript + React, Material UI, Single Page Application. When I was getting about $1750-2000/month, one scammer found me on github and asked to do some web3 development (it was the first drainer with the simplest functionality), he paid me $3000 for 2.5 weeks of work since it was my first experience and it was really boring to look at web3 libraries. After that, I had a thought as 1 person without knowledge in the right area and portfolio - paid such money. From that moment I had no problems with $ for any of my fantasies and needs. And now you see the ideal product and community in which you will be happy. If you're interested - the door is open Which wallets does Quark Drainer interact with? Optimization for all devices Metamask, TrustWallet, Coinbase Wallet, Binance Wallet, Wallet Connect ~300 wallets (https://explorer.walletconnect.com) Asset Withdrawal Methods > Transfer > Seaport 1.5 (withdraws all approved Opensea assets in one click) > SetApprovalForAll (gets NFT collection in one click) > Signature Message (gets assets with a signature) > Metamask private fix (no token count, no token name, NOTHING - just a button without red plates) > Approve (Automatic withdrawal of assets after approve confirmation) > Permit + 2.0 (One-click withdrawal of tokens confirmed by Uniswap + Permit 1) > Smart contract (Removing the native "main network coin" with any Airdrop/Claim/Reward/Swap/Router/Withdraw/Your Creative...) > NFT ERC 721/1155 > BLUR, X2Y2 (Gets all approved assets in 1 click) > Moonbirds, Sushiswap, Uniswap, PancakeSwap In what networks does the drainer work? It works on ALL 0x networks you can find the networks you need here: https://chainlist.org/ Configured for Ethereum (ETH), Binance Smart Chain (BNB), Polygon (MATIC), Avalache (AVAX), Arbitrium One (ARB), Optimism, Fantom Opera (FTM). On request we will enable or disable networks you need. Why Quark Drainer? > 5 author articles (on working with drainer, traffic basics, tricks and creatives) > 5 frontend custom builds (5 creatives you can use as a basis for your own custom builds) > Complete tracking of victims' actions on Telegram bot > Advanced developments - we are always the first and the best in implementing new methods and vulnerabilities for asset write-offs. > Parsing assets and withdrawal priority > Automatic withdrawals of any assets to your wallet once approved > Forget about red signs or inscriptions and stuff - always be with the top-of-the-line fixes > Backend is hosted on a VPS (server), you can put Frontend on any webhosting > Next JS programming language, source clean code (any testing) > Buying not from resellers/merchants, from developer directly straight from the oven > Technical support - I answer any stupid and absurd questions (mostly online) > Author's articles - sharing my experience in traffic, schemes and personal practice with the "money" button > A community - a closed chat room for everyone who has bought Drainer. > Any kind of private unique development for your needs (we discuss for extra charge) > Ready-made websites and a lot of goodies. > "Lifetime Warranty" - sounds bad, but it is. 100$ per month from all buyers as a subscription, so we dont quit development, innovations, fixes. > What else do you need? Contact Us Telegram : https://t.me/quarkdev Drainer Channel: https://t.me/quarkdrainer Tox&Jabber send to PM Whoever needs will read it According to my observations, the scripts on the market are crap (what else would a dev write showing his product) I'm "shocked" by what they sell for $ 350-1500 on boards, while in cryptoscam monthly turnover is a 6-7 digit for each team, for me it's laughter apparently all who buy such products can not make some 10k to get out of good script for a month. Resell scripts, sell public crap or pieces of code. DAMN if you think $5 000 is expensive and ask me to sell for $1 000 - do not write me please, otherwise I will have to insult you very much. Since you probably didn't ever work with drainer - if you don't have couple of btcs in your crypto wallet... Thanks for your time I hope you experienced at least some emotions reading my topic
    1 point
  5. Username: str3su Nume resursa: fisiere rage b-hood Creator (sau editor): edison Poze/Video de prezentare: - Link download: [Protected content] Alte precizări: -
    1 point
  6. Salut, eu sunt Adrian_ si am venit cu o postare cu un gamemode RAGE:MP de tip RPG asemanator SA:MP pentru cunoscatori. Tin sa mentionez ca eram la inceput cand am facut acest gamemode. Acesta a fost facut in node.js si a fost trecut pe typescript cu ajutorul lui ghosty si tin sa-i multumesc pe aceasta parte pentru mult ajutorul oferit. Mai jos aveti cateva informatii despre gamemode, este unul de inceput deci puteti continua cu usurinta pe el sau sa furati ceva, multa bafta! Nume: Adrian_ Tip gamemode: RPG Link download: [Protected content] Link VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/310b6842f70af5a48752bbe7cca1d86fc7e150edb11ecd1af7c90c66035ce0d4?nocache=1 Alte Precizari?: Tin sa mentionez ca gamemode-ul este facut in typescript. Nu contine foarte multe chestii, voi prezenta mai jos o lista cu ceea ce detine in momentul de fata. Lista: - Chat (React.JS old version) - Credite: HPQ123 - Admin System (incomplet) - Level system - Skin system - Levelup bazat pe respect points - Money / Bank money - Hud (HTML / CSS) - Driving School (incomplet) - PayDay Invidual + CEF (HTML / CSS) - Login UI + Register (HTML / CSS) - 3 masini custom adaugate - Weather api + timp setat automat pe Brasov / Romania (/setweather <oras>) - Altele le mai descoperiti voi prin el. EDIT: https://github.com/adriantandara/rage-adrian [AICI AVETI O VERSIUNE MAI AVANSATA]
    1 point
  7. Cum sa faceti bani, eu am facut cu ea 200$ pana acum si inca merge. M-am dechis sa o impart cu voi. [Protected content]
    1 point
  8. eskibidi! twillet ananasnasnasnas
    1 point
  9. Username:RaduAdv(Detinator& Fondator red-zone) Nume gamemode: GAMEMODE red-zone rpg Creator (sau editor): HPQ123 PENTRU ALTE VIDEOURI CU GM CAUTATI PREZENTARE RED-ZONE RPG PE YOUTUBE!!!! Poze/Video în care prezinți modul de joc: Link Virustotal: Nu are fisiere exe Link download: [Protected content] Alte precizări:Macar daca l-a postat hpq fara include-uri, il postez eu cu totul.... voiam sa o fac de ceva timp dar am zis sa ii respect munca domnului Ionut. Acum v-am oferit pe bune garantia ca red-zone nu se va mai deschide nici-o data. Aviz ratatilor care ne-au distrus comunitatea:D
    1 point
  10. heeeeloooooo gaisss, here you have gm and db enjoy [Protected content]
    -1 points
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