Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 In this topic, I'll post some codes I'll create for you to understand how this language works. (NOTE: These codes might not work as intended and might need some changes!) 1. Gives you 1000 health, 1337 armor, and Deagle when pressing F2: {$CLEO .cs} // Key codes const KEY_F2 = 113; // F2 key code // Weapon IDs const WEAPON_DEAGLE = 24; // Deagle weapon ID // Script entry point thread 'LeaksForTheWin' while true wait 0 if is_key_pressed(KEY_F2) then // Give player the Deagle give_player_weapon($PLAYER_CHAR, WEAPON_DEAGLE, 9999) // Set player health and armor set_player_health($PLAYER_CHAR, 1000) set_player_armour($PLAYER_CHAR, 1337) // Display text wait 500 show_text_box('Leaks for the win!') wait 5000 clear_text_box() end_if end_while end_thread : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Author Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 2. Transforms you (the player) into Michelle. Also teleports you to her garage and spawns a monster truck after 3 seconds: {$CLEO .cs} // Key codes const KEY_F4 = 115; // F4 key code // Location coordinates const MICHELLE_GARAGE_X = -1996.37; MICHELLE_GARAGE_Y = 276.6; MICHELLE_GARAGE_Z = 35.17; // Script entry point thread 'MichelleGarageTeleport' while true wait 0 if is_key_pressed(KEY_F4) then // Set player's skin to Michelle (id 191) set_player_skin($PLAYER_CHAR, 191) // Teleport player to Michelle's Garage teleport_with_car($PLAYER_CHAR, MICHELLE_GARAGE_X, MICHELLE_GARAGE_Y, MICHELLE_GARAGE_Z, 90.0, -1) // Wait for 3 seconds wait 3000 // Spawn a Monster Truck in front of the player new_car = create_car(MONSTER, get_offset_from_car_in_world_coords($PLAYER_CAR, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0)) // Set the car's speed to 0 set_car_speed(new_car, 0.0) end_if end_while end_thread : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Author Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 3. Creates a menu containing 4 options: Random Teleport, Teleport to LS, Teleport to SF, Teleport to LV. These are self explanatory (you get teleported to the middle of each city, but the first selection, where you get teleported somewhere random on the map): {$CLEO .cs} // Key codes const KEY_F10 = 121; // F10 key code // Menu options const MENU_OPTION_RANDOM = 0; MENU_OPTION_LS = 1; MENU_OPTION_SF = 2; MENU_OPTION_LV = 3; // Location coordinates const LS_CENTER_X = 1399.76; LS_CENTER_Y = -1168.98; LS_CENTER_Z = 23.97; SF_CENTER_X = -2352.27; SF_CENTER_Y = 988.43; SF_CENTER_Z = 35.17; LV_CENTER_X = 1705.9; LV_CENTER_Y = 1471.31; LV_CENTER_Z = 10.82; // Script entry point thread 'TeleportMenu' while true wait 0 if is_key_pressed(KEY_F10) then // Create menu menu('Teleport Menu', 'Random Location', 'Middle of LS', 'Middle of SF', 'Middle of LV') // Wait for menu selection menu_item_selected = 0 while not menu_item_selected wait 0 if menu_active('Teleport Menu') then menu_item_selected = menu_selected_item() end_if end_while // Teleport player to selected location if menu_item_selected == MENU_OPTION_RANDOM then random_x = random_float_in_range(-3000.0, 3000.0) random_y = random_float_in_range(-3000.0, 3000.0) teleport($PLAYER_CHAR, random_x, random_y, 0.0) else_if menu_item_selected == MENU_OPTION_LS then teleport($PLAYER_CHAR, LS_CENTER_X, LS_CENTER_Y, LS_CENTER_Z) else_if menu_item_selected == MENU_OPTION_SF then teleport($PLAYER_CHAR, SF_CENTER_X, SF_CENTER_Y, SF_CENTER_Z) else_if menu_item_selected == MENU_OPTION_LV then teleport($PLAYER_CHAR, LV_CENTER_X, LV_CENTER_Y, LV_CENTER_Z) end_if // Wait for menu to close while menu_active('Teleport Menu') wait 0 end_while end_if end_while end_thread : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Author Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 4. Creates a menu with 3 options, first one gives you Deagle, second gives you M4 and third gives you Rocket Launcher: {$CLEO .cs} // Key codes const KEY_F10 = 121; // F10 key code // Menu options const MENU_OPTION_DEAGLE = 0; MENU_OPTION_M4 = 1; MENU_OPTION_ROCKET_LAUNCHER = 2; // Script entry point thread 'WeaponMenu' while true wait 0 if is_key_pressed(KEY_F10) then // Create menu menu('Weapon Menu', 'Deagle', 'M4', 'Rocket Launcher') // Wait for menu selection menu_item_selected = 0 while not menu_item_selected wait 0 if menu_active('Weapon Menu') then menu_item_selected = menu_selected_item() end_if end_while // Give the player the selected weapon if menu_item_selected == MENU_OPTION_DEAGLE then give_weapon_to_char($PLAYER_CHAR, 24, 9999) else_if menu_item_selected == MENU_OPTION_M4 then give_weapon_to_char($PLAYER_CHAR, 31, 9999) else_if menu_item_selected == MENU_OPTION_ROCKET_LAUNCHER then give_weapon_to_char($PLAYER_CHAR, 35, 9999) end_if // Wait for menu to close while menu_active('Weapon Menu') wait 0 end_while end_if end_while end_thread : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Author Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 5. Creates a mission : You get teleported to big smoke's house and you have his skin, and you need to go to CJ's house and kill him, after the mission, you get $3.000.000: {$CLEO .cs} // Key codes const KEY_F10 = 121; // F10 key code // Checkpoint coordinates const CHECKPOINT_X = 2495.5; CHECKPOINT_Y = -1669.2; CHECKPOINT_Z = 12.5; // Script entry point thread 'BigSmokeMission' while true wait 0 if is_key_pressed(KEY_F10) then // Change player skin to Big Smoke change_player_skin(271) // Teleport player to Big Smoke's house set_char_coordinates($PLAYER_CHAR, 2467.4, -1663.3, 13.3) // Create checkpoint at CJ's house create_checkpoint(0, CHECKPOINT_X, CHECKPOINT_Y, CHECKPOINT_Z) // Wait for player to reach checkpoint while true wait 0 if is_char_in_area_3d($PLAYER_CHAR, CHECKPOINT_X-2.0, CHECKPOINT_Y-2.0, CHECKPOINT_Z-2.0, CHECKPOINT_X+2.0, CHECKPOINT_Y+2.0, CHECKPOINT_Z+2.0, true) then // Spawn enemy ped with CJ's skin and a Deagle enemy_ped = create_ped(26, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) set_char_coordinates(enemy_ped, 2467.4, -1663.3, 13.3) set_char_weapon(enemy_ped, 24, 9999) set_char_health(enemy_ped, 500) // Wait for enemy ped to die while is_char_alive(enemy_ped) wait 0 end_while // Remove checkpoint and give player money delete_checkpoint(0) give_player_money(3000000) break end_if end_while end_if end_while end_thread : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Author Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 6. Cool script: Creates a hot air balloon that starts flying, after you exit the balloon you get a cutscene and a parachute to land safely. Keybind for activation : F10 {$CLEO .cs} // Key codes const KEY_F10 = 121; // F10 key code // Mission variables var blip_marker: MarkerID; car: CarID; // Script entry point thread 'CoolScript' while true wait 0 if is_key_pressed(KEY_F10) then // Show message and play sound effect show_text_highpriority("Welcome to the cool script!", 5000, 1) audio_play_sound_frontend(0x11D, "FRONTEND_BEAST_MENU_SOUNDSET") // Spawn a hot air balloon and attach a marker to it balloon = create_object(17268, 2495.0, -1669.0, 12.0) blip_marker = create_marker_above_object(balloon) set_marker_color(blip_marker, 1) set_marker_size(blip_marker, 3) // Teleport player to the hot air balloon and start flying set_char_coordinates($PLAYER_CHAR, 2495.0, -1669.0, 15.0) set_char_z_angle($PLAYER_CHAR, 0.0) wait 2000 set_char_proof_cars($PLAYER_CHAR, true) set_char_proof_fire($PLAYER_CHAR, true) set_char_proof_explosions($PLAYER_CHAR, true) car = create_car(424, 2495.0, -1669.0, 50.0) set_car_z_angle(car, 0.0) wait 1000 set_car_color(car, 2, 2) set_car_immunities(car, true, true, true, true, true) attach_object_to_car(balloon, car, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) set_car_cruise_speed(car, 50.0) // Wait for player to jump out of the hot air balloon while true wait 0 if is_char_in_car($PLAYER_CHAR, car) then if is_key_pressed(32) then // Space key code audio_play_sound_frontend(0x10A, "FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET") set_char_coordinates($PLAYER_CHAR, 2495.0, -1669.0, 12.0) detach_object(balloon) destroy_object(balloon) delete_marker(blip_marker) destroy_car(car) break end_if end_if end_while // Play a cutscene of a helicopter flying away cutscene_start(1) set_camera_position(2467.0, -1467.0, 89.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) set_camera_point_at_position(2507.0, -1667.0, 50.0, 2) wait 1000 cutscene_end() // Display a message and give the player a parachute show_text_highpriority("Use the parachute to land safely!", 5000, 1) give_player_weapon($PLAYER_CHAR, 46, 1) end_if end_while end_thread : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Author Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 7. This code will replace cheat codes "BAGUVIX" with "INFHEALTH" and "AEZAKMI" with "NOPOLICE". {$CLEO} // Constants const CHEAT_INFHEALTH = 'INFHEALTH'; CHEAT_NOPOLICE = 'NOPOLICE'; // Variables var cheat1: string; cheat2: string; // Main function thread 'ReplaceCheats' while true wait 0 // Get the currently entered cheats cheat1 := read_memory_string(0xB73490, 8, false) cheat2 := read_memory_string(0xB734A0, 8, false) // Replace BAGUVIX with INFHEALTH if cheat1 = 'BAGUVIX' then write_memory_string(0xB73490, CHEAT_INFHEALTH, 10, false) end // Replace AEZAKMI with NOPOLICE if cheat2 = 'AEZAKMI' then write_memory_string(0xB734A0, CHEAT_NOPOLICE, 9, false) end end : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Author Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 8. Creates a new cool mission : "The Great Heist" (unfinished) {$CLEO} // Constants const MISSION_NAME = 'The Great Heist'; MISSION_BLIP = 10; MISSION_MARKER = 22; MISSION_OBJECTIVE_TEXT = 'Steal the diamonds from the jewelry store.'; // Variables var mission_started: boolean; mission_completed: boolean; mission_marker: integer; mission_blip: integer; jewelry_store: integer; diamond: integer; // Main function thread 'NewMission' while true wait 0 // Start the mission if not mission_started then // Create a blip and a marker for the mission mission_blip := create_icon_marker_and_sphere(2, 1177.0, -1324.0, 13.6) mission_marker := create_marker_and_sphere(22, 1177.0, -1324.0, 13.6) // Load the jewelry store interior load_requested_models() jewelry_store := load_interior(7) // Create the diamond object diamond := create_object(1262, 1175.0, -1325.0, 13.6) // Set the mission objective text set_text_box(MISSION_OBJECTIVE_TEXT) // Set mission flag to true mission_started := true end // Check if the player is at the mission marker if mission_started and not mission_completed and is_player_within_radius_of_point_3d(1.5, 1177.0, -1324.0, 13.6) then // Remove the mission blip and marker delete_icon_marker_and_sphere(mission_blip) delete_marker_and_sphere(mission_marker) // Set the player's objective to steal the diamonds set_text_box('Steal the diamonds from the jewelry store.') // Play a cutscene of the player breaking into the jewelry store player_can_move(false) set_interior_rendering_disabled(true) set_widescreen(true) camera_behind_player() fade(500, 1) set_player_position(1169.0, -1374.0, 13.5) set_player_interior(jewelry_store) set_camera_position(1172.0, -1335.0, 16.0) set_camera_point_at_position(1177.0, -1324.0, 13.6, 2) fade(500, 0) wait(1000) player_can_move(true) set_interior_rendering_disabled(false) set_widescreen(false) // Spawn the diamond in the jewelry store set_object_coordinates(diamond, 1172.0, -1335.0, 13.6) set_object_interior(diamond, jewelry_store) set_object_visible(diamond, true) end // Check if the player has picked up the diamond if mission_started and not mission_completed and is_player_near_object_on_foot(diamond, 1.5) then // Remove the diamond object destroy_object(diamond) // Set the player's objective to escape with the diamonds set_text_box('Escape with the diamonds!') // Spawn a helicopter for the player to escape with create_actor(16, 487, 1185.0, -1335.0, 14.0) : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Author Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 9. Creates a custom Loading Screen with a loading bar: Note: In order to use this script, you would need to create a PNG file named "LOADBAR.png" in the "CLEO" folder of your GTA San Andreas installation, which will be used as the progress bar. // Display loading text 0AFA: text_draw 1 position 320.0 200.0 GXT 'LOADING' color 2 flag 1 center 1 scale 2.0 // Define variables 0AB1: var 1@ = 0 // Current progress 0AB1: var 2@ = 0 // Total progress // Loop until loading is complete :LOADING_LOOP // Check if loading is complete 00D6: if or 0AB0: var 1@ >= var 2@ jf @LOADING_LOOP // Display progress bar 0AFA: text_draw 2 position 320.0 230.0 width 400.0 height 20.0 color 1 flag 0 center 1 0AFB: draw_texture "LOADBAR" position 160.0 226.0 size 210.0 30.0 RGBA 255 255 255 255 // Update progress 0AB1: var 1@ += 1 // Delay for a moment 0A8D: wait 0 // Jump back to loading loop jmp @LOADING_LOOP // Loading is complete, remove loading screen 0AFB: draw_texture -1 0AFA: text_draw -1 : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manager quix Posted March 16, 2023 Author Manager Share Posted March 16, 2023 10. This mod contains a cutscene that is triggered when the F7 key is pressed. During the cutscene, the camera and player are moved to specific locations, models are loaded, and text is displayed on the screen. Once the cutscene is complete, control is returned to the player. {$CLEO .cs} // Cutscene script thread 'CUTSCENE' wait 500 fade 0 500 wait 500 camera -2054.0127, -22.6369, 35.0938, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 wait 500 set_player_control 0 0 wait 1000 0173: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR walk_to -2057.3604, -22.1419, 35.1641 wait 3000 038B: load_requested_models wait 1000 01C2: remove_references_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 03E6: remove_text_box 01E3: show_text_1number_highpriority "Cutscene complete!" time 5000 flag 1 // Display text for 5 seconds fade 1 500 wait 500 camera -2065.6746, -29.5839, 35.2422, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 wait 500 set_player_control 1 1 end_thread // Main script thread 'MAIN' repeat wait 0 until 00E1: player 0 pressed_key 18 // F7 key // Start the cutscene when the F7 key is pressed gosub 'CUTSCENE' end_thread : adelinrzo : quiixx. : raizo (24.01.2023) (12.03.2023) (30.03.2023) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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