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[REZOLVAT] Problema masini personale


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Username: alkatraz
Problema întălnită: km la masinile personale nu raman salvati.
Detalii despre problemă: toate bune si frumoase, merg cu masina, se contorizeaza km dar dupa ce dau restart si intru pe server, km masinii sunt 0. nu au salvare in baza de date sau nu stiu mai exact.
Ce ai încercat să faci înainte să postezi?: am cautat cum sa rezolv dar n-am gasit.
Cod sursă (recomandat pastebin.com) : nu stiu ce cod sa va dau ...
Alte detalii: astept sa-mi spuneti ce cod sa va dau, sa verificati daca se salveaza in baza sau nu. folosesc gamemode-ul bottles.

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Acum 3 ore, wien a spus:

vezi daca face salvarea in baza de date, uita-te in mysql.log

asta am in mysql log

<html><head><title>MySQL Plugin log</title><style>table {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 23px; table-layout: fixed; width: 863px;}th, td {border: 1px solid black; word-wrap: break-word;}thead {background-color: #C0C0C0;}		tbody {text-align: center;}		table.left1 {position: relative; left: 36px;}		table.left2 {position: relative; left: 72px;}		.time {width: 80px;}		.func {width: 200px;}		.stat {width: 75px;}		.msg {width: 400px;}	</style>	<script>		var 			LOG_ERROR = 1,			LOG_WARNING = 2,			LOG_DEBUG = 4;				var			FirstRun = true,			IsCallbackActive = false,			IsTableOpen = false,			IsThreadActive = false;				function StartCB(cbname) {			StartTable(1, 0, cbname);		}		function EndCB() {			EndTable();			IsCallbackActive = false;		}		function StartTable(iscallback, isthreaded, cbname) {			if(IsTableOpen == true || isthreaded != IsThreadActive)				EndTable();						if(iscallback == true) {				document.write(					"<table class=left2>" +						"<th bgcolor=#C0C0C0 >In callback \""+cbname+"\"</th>" +					"</table>"				);			}						document.write("<table");			if(iscallback == true || (isthreaded != IsThreadActive && isthreaded == false && IsCallbackActive == true) ) {				document.write(" class=left2");				IsCallbackActive = true;			}			else if(isthreaded == true) 				document.write(" class=left1");						IsThreadActive = isthreaded;			document.write(">");						if(FirstRun == true) {				FirstRun = false;				document.write("<thead><th class=time>Time</th><th class=func>Function</th><th class=stat>Status</th><th class=msg>Message</th></thead>");			}			document.write("<tbody>");			IsTableOpen = true;		}				function EndTable() {			document.write("</tbody></table>");			IsTableOpen = false;		}						function Log(time, func, status, msg, isthreaded) {			isthreaded = typeof isthreaded !== 'undefined' ? isthreaded : 0;			if(IsTableOpen == false || isthreaded != IsThreadActive)				StartTable(false, isthreaded, "");			var StatColor, StatText;			switch(status) {			case LOG_ERROR:				StatColor = "RED";				StatText = "ERROR";				break;			case LOG_WARNING:				StatColor = "#FF9900";				StatText = "WARNING";				break;			case LOG_DEBUG:				StatColor = "#00DD00";				StatText = "OK";				break;			}			document.write(				"<tr bgcolor="+StatColor+">" + 					"<td class=time>"+time+"</td>" + 					"<td class=func>"+func+"</td>" + 					"<td class=stat>"+StatText+"</td>" + 					"<td class=msg>"+msg+"</td>" + 				"</tr>"			);		}	</script></head><body bgcolor=grey>	<h2>Logging started at 23:00, 25.04.2020</h2><script>


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