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Young Crooi

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Posts posted by Young Crooi

  1. Free Samp Hosting Sites And Free VPS Sites And Free Forums, Free web hosting
    This is not advertising this is for helping people find free samp hosting and vps and last of all free forums and Web Hosting.

    It was not easy finding all these sites i will update them weekly also let me know if you want me to add some sites i missed or if some links don't work Enjoy.

    Free VPS Updated

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    Free Server Sites Hosting Updated:

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    Free Forums.

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    Free Web Hosting:

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    Did you know if you have a vps you can host many samp servers.
    Hope this helped you find a free samp hosting site and free vps last of all free forums.

    Please do comment if a site does not work or is not good.
    I suggest that if you want a free samp server look at my "recommended free samp hosting sites".
    The ones in my "RECOMMENDED FREE SAMP HOSTING SITES" is tested and working it is trustable good support etc.
    If you know any other good site please do comment and i will add it to the list Enjoy.


    PS: Cateva nu mai merg!

    • Username: Young Crooi

    Nume gamemode: HardGaming v0.1

    Creator (sau editor): -

    Poze/Video în care prezinÅ£i modul de joc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpdEwE9z_M4

    Link Virustotalhttps://www.virustotal.com/#/file/0b7b214684d0c0816c2e580337c21b57f905651f15ea26d7ca7bec16e5822c16/detection

    Link download:
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    Alte precizări: din video pare bunicel are cateva buguri de rezolvat !

  2. 1v1 Pong Minigame



    This is an Include I've worked on since a while, but I don't really have a use for it so I'll release it.


    It's the classic Pong Game, drawn with MaterialText and Objects on an LCD Screen.



    You can place the TVs anywhere and players can play on them.

    If two players are playing, others can see their game on the Screen and also hear the Game's sounds if close enough.


    The first one who joins the game will be the host and he can change the settings and start it once someone joins.


    There are some defines you can use to change the screen size, base speed, colors or sounds.





    To use it in a gamemode or filterscript you simply have to include the file.

    You can now use the function CreatePongGame to create a "Pong TV" somewhere.


    To make players able to join it, you can add a command for hosting a game, joining a game and leaving a game.

    See the example Filterscript for a simple example on how to add, start and delete them.






    Here are a few screenshot so you can see how it looks:




    As you can see, you can watch others' games from outside.


    Here's a short video (playing one game):







    - Rotating the TV Screen on the Y Axis does not yet work correctly. Rotating it on the X or Z Axis works as expected.

    - If you place many Screens it's recommended to higher the Timer Interval (however it only matters how many games are played simultanously).

    - When ingame, other players are still visible for the ones playing.




    - No bugs known, please report any bugs you find.

    - Because everything is processed server-sided, it might be extremely hard for players with high pings to react properly.






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    See the filterscripts folder for an Example FS. It allows to manage Pong TVs when logged into RCON and playing with others and should give you an idea how to implement it.


    The Include uses Incognito's Streamer Plugin for all Objects, include it before pong.inc.



  3. • AttachObjectToPlayer Editor

    First of all, AttachObjectToPlayer and SetPlayerAttachedObject are two different things, you can't use the same offsets in both functions.

    I created this editor because I couldn't find one for AttachObjectToPlayer, except SetPlayerAttachedObject ones, which are everywhere.

     This filterscript can only be used in your localhost.

    • Video


    • Features

    - You can create/load/erase projects (SQLite dabatase).

    - Keys for quick and easy usage.

    - You can create/edit/remove objects (There is a limit of 9 objects per project).

    - You can export your project.

    • Commands

    - /projectmenu: Opens the project menu with three options: Create new project, load project, delete project.

    - /createobject: Shows a dialog and you input the model id you wish to be created.

    - /editobject: Shows a dialog list with all the existing object slots. You click one and it gives you an option to edit/delete the object.

    - /closeproject: Closes and saves your project.

    - /exportproject: Exports your project with it's ID as name and .pwn extension.

    • Keys

    - Num 7: X.

    - Num 8: Y.

    - Num 9: Z.

    - Num 4: RX.

    - Num 5: RY.

    - Num 6: RZ.

    - *: Increases/decreases the offset values when the keys above are pressed.

    - +: Increases offset move speed.

    - -: Decreases offset move speed.

    • Dependencies

    - I-ZCMD: 

    - IsKeyDown: 

    • Download

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  4. Hunger Games v1.0.0

    Hello, i will be releasing my Hunger Games.

    • Features:
    • More players can join the Hunger Games.
    • 5 Minutes Timer (you can adjust it).
    • Last man standing = wins (next update i will make it receive reward).
    • If no players did /joingame - the timer will reset to 5 minutes.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How to adjust the timer?
    A: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+much+5+minutes+in+seconds Change the 5 into your minutes you want.
    Make sure you get the result and until to 0.

    Q: I found a bug, what will i do?
    A: Simply comment it down, i will fix it.

    Q: Are you making updates of this filterscript?
    A: Yes. I will especially prizes.


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  5. Hello i decided to release this gamemode this is a basic roleplay made from scratch and remember this gamemode was made back in 2016 so you don't need to comment that is not based on MySQL and stuff like that, before judge this script please test it , beware there can be some few bugs i don't know but if you found any please comment in the section below and i will fix them asap.

    Admin CMD:
    Code:Moderator: /slap, /unfreeze, /freeze, /kick /setvw /setinterior /adminname
    Moderator: /kick /ajail /unjail /mute /unmute
    Junior Admin: /ban, /unbanip, /offlineban, /unban
    Senior Admin: /setstat, /gmx, /doorname, /editdoor, /createdoor, /edithouse, /createhouse
    Senior Admin: /createbiz /editbiz /houseadress /bizname /veh /savedata
    /setstat /makeleader /auncuff /veh /forcepayday
    Faction Moderator: /makeleader, /afactionrankname, /afactionname, /afactioninfo

    Player CMD:
    Code:General CMD: /enter /exit /house /bizz /accept /vehicle
    General CMD: /admins /stats /changepass /walkstyle
    General CMD: /tapwater /lights /rapsheet /vehmenu /phone
    General CMD: /trunk /putgun /takegun /pickupitem /quitfaction /hud
    LSPD CMD: /locker /tazer /cuff /uncuff /r(adio) /flash
    LSPD CMD: /crb /rrb /rrball
    Job CMD: /delivernp /stopdelivering
    Job CMD: /deliverpizza
    Job CMD: /collecttrash /leavetrash /mytrash /loadtrash /droptrash
    Job CMD: /fare /duty /spawntaxi

    Code:Dynamic Door system
    Dynamic House system
    Dynamic Business
    Dynamic Faction system
    Fully functioning vehicle system/dealership
    there are 4 jobs
    Pizza job
    Garbage man
    News paperboy


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  6. RscRl.png


    CREDITS:COMMAND PROCESSOR:Myself for script production
    Seif for a few systems
    Incognito for the streamer plugin
    Other creators of other includes used



    71TPp.png71TPp.pngIncognito's Streamer Plugin

    FEATURES.Limitless Gaming was a project that originally started in the early months of 2011. I endeavoured to open a role-play community with this script, in hope that it would prosper in to a fairly prestigious one, however with the exam season nearing and being edged to get a job and such, the project was discontinued.

    I picked up the script again around January time of 2012 and began developing it further, and added things such as a vehicle system and an array of administrator commands.

    Personally I do recommend this script for beginners. It has a handful of useful features, there are some warnings during compiling that will give you an opportunity to look in to and learn some more.

    There are a few custom forwards and callbacks, using the name "Otman" this is because a chap called Otman helped me in my early months of developing the script and using his name helped me to remember things a lot easier.

    WHY SHOULD I DOWNLOAD THIS SCRIPT?Limitless Gaming has adopted many features. Amidst the script are features that, without a doubt, you have seen in another community, however there are some that make this script different. As well as this, the script is entirely custom and entirely unique, and not some bog-standard Godfather edit. Some of the features included are:
    • Vehicle Ownership
    • Working cellphone system (With phone credit)
    • Unique pickups as oppose to the generic 'i' and such
    • Complete administrator system with a handful of useful commands
    • Unique registration
    • Unique and custom mappings, produced by myself
    • Quiz when licensing
    • 7 Jobs, and a few side-jobs
    • Arms dealer system with packages and production systems
    • IRC Connection
    • Complete faction system [/f and a handful of other commands]
    • Complete hitman system (Generic concept, though)
    • As faction leader, you entirely control your faction - Paychecks, ranks, skin IDs to each rank, etc.
    • Spawn protection (When you login, you're protected for 60 seconds)
    • Anti Advertisement System
    • Anti DeAMX System (Custom made!)
    • Dynamic vehicles
    • Administrators can change your: Name, phone number, spawn point, place of origin and more!
    • Dynamic factions (To an extent)
    • And loads more features!
    • Driving/Flying/Sailing license exams.

    The features listed above: Some are unique, some are custom-made, yet with a generic concept. The script may 'tickle your pickle' and be the right one for you. Only you can make that choice.


    I have supplied a handful of download links for you to download from. Each download link consists of a complete script-files set, PAWN Includes, the gamemode (.pwn and .amx!), as well as the plugin (Incognito's Streamer Plugin). The download links are:

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    To make yourself an administrator, simply go in-game and style '/setadmin [Your ID] 1338' and then goto the .PWN file and uncomment the line on /setadmin!
  7. • GetSeatingOrder

    The function is an exact and concrete function of the GetPlayerVehicleSeat function, which stores the value of the passenger seat. The native function sometimes does not return with the correct value, sometimes returns with the value of 128, so my function with Pawn.RakNet gives the value correctly. It is a correction of the native function.

    In short, this function will return the seat id properly, unlike the native function.

    • Function

    PHP Code:

    • Dependency

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    • Download

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  8. InfoText TextDraw

    It's a simple include which is modified version of "[iNC] TextDraw, Information Box." by Shadow(made in 2010).


    • Can put messages of Syntax, News, Information, Event Information, etc.

    How To Implement:

    PHP Code:
    #include <infotext> 
    public OnFilterScriptInit() 
        return 1; 
    public OnGameModeInit() 
        return 1; 

    How to Use:

    PHP Code:
    public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) // Welcoming a player showing textdraw (using format and string) 
        new string[150]; 
        new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; 
        GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName)); 
        format(string, sizeof(string), "~y~Welcome ~y~~h~~h~%s!~N~~y~ID: ~y~~h~~h~%d~w~~N~~y~", pName, playerid); 
        ShadInfoBoxForPlayer(playerid, string); 
        return 1; 
    public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) // Spawning player with message that he's spawned (without format and string) 
        ShadInfoBoxForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Spawned!"); 
        return 1; 


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     (REF: T(DM)-V.I.P)


    1. There's no change in the position of TextDraw. (REF: akvogl.png)
    2. The TextDraw will automatically close after 15 seconds, you can change it by giving a value in the include:
      PHP Code:
       #define CLOSETIMER 15000 // 1000 = 1 second  
    3. If you don't want it to hide, find remove these from include:
      PHP Code:
      #define CLOSETIMER 15000 
      SetTimerEx("CloseTextdraw", CLOSETIMER, true, "i", playerid);  


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  9. How it works?

    Ships will get faster every 5 team points and first ship arrives at the final point wins. If both ships have the same speed, higher scoring team will win.[/size]

    If both teams have the same points, game will result in a draw. You'll get team points when you kill the enemy team members or when enemy members fall from their ship to ice cold San Andreas water.[/size]

    You can choose which weapons players'll get from EventWeapons array and set their ammo from EVENT_AMMO define. Also you can configure how much money and score winner team gets from WINNER_MONEY and WINNER_SCORE defines.[/size]


    /shipwars - Starts the game if there isn't an active game, joins it otherwise. You can only join when the game is in readying up stage.[/size]
    /leaveship - Leaves the game.[/size]


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  10. A script that I had worked on over Opis Gaming, they never credited me for it so I decided to release it as a way to expose them. 

    Have fun!

    * There are pre-made garages spreaded out across the map (mostly on the original mod garages like Transfender - this excludes San Fierro though)
    * Passengers of the vehicle that is inside the garage will be placed in a spectate mode.
    * You have to modify /buymask as it is currently usable anywhere.
    * pMaskTime is used to determine when player can buy mask, remove it if you wanted to. 

    I edited it a little bit removing a few stuff, I didn't bothered patching it up or adding new stuffs. If you do have any questions, feel free to ask by posting below or hit me up on PM!






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