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Posts posted by xxx

  1. On 5/17/2020 at 8:35 PM, Zagreb said:
    • Username: Zagreb 
    • Nume gamemode: GTA SA-MP
    • Creator (sau editor): _SIRIUS_. 
    • Poze/Video în care prezinți modul de joc: 

      Salutare tuturor, de curand m-am decis sa-mi vand munca din ultimile 4 luni. Dupa o colaborare cu cei de la gta-samp am decis sa ma retrag deoarece lipsa de timp si de interes a cam scazut.

      Gamemode-ul a suferit multe, multe schimbari si updateuri, in momentul de fata nu sunt bug-uri pe server. GM-ul a tinut undeva la 300 jucatori online si un tick rate de 90-110, se mai poate lucra la acest aspect.


      Spawnul a fost creat special pentru acest GM si din punct de vedere al mapei este geneiala, centrata perfect si cu indexuri pe obiecte: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Principalele textdraw-uri ale serverului: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Sistemul de factiuni e gandit si facut dynamic sa fie usor de folosit + de editat: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Sistemul de jail este unul clasic, insa beneficieaza de un jail super ok structurat si cu functii de inchidere/deschidere celule. Celulele se deschid automat la minutul 30 si se inchid automat la minutul 59. Sau pot fi inchise/deschise de catre un membru PD: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Sistemul de GPS este unul destul de classic si eficient: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Serverul dispune de cateva eventuri foarte bine gandite + distractive: <<CLICK PE POZE>>  |||||| <<CLICK PE VIDEO>>

      GM-ul dispune de un sistem de crates destul de avansat + placut la vedere. L-am gandit in asa fel incat ca si jucatorii ce nu doneaza sa poata achizitiona crate-uri premium. Odata pe zi poti achizitiona un legendary crate si 2 epic crate-uri: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Exista un sistem de spin pe server care in adevaratul sens al cuvantului rupe. La ficare payday primesti un spin points cu care vei putea sa-ti incerci norocul la spin: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      In GM se afla o insula unde se desfasoara cele mai importante evenimente, GiftBox, Spin, Crates si cateva case mai speciale: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      A fost adaugata o casa speciala pe server pentru owner/donator/cineva special: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Toate factiunile inafara de LSPD, FBI, NG dispun de HQ noi noute crate special pentru ele: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Moneda de schimb al shopului sunt "Diamantele". Poti beneficia de 2 nivele de VIP pe server. VIP normal si VIP PLUS. Fiecare VIP Stage au avantaje diferite. Pentru a ajunge la VIP PLUS v-a trebui sa detii deja VIP normal: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Iti poti upgrada vehiculul la statusul de rainbow accesand shopul: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Poti detine pana la 15 vehicule personale si le poti customiza cu spoilere/hood-uri/tatuaje/jante si neoane: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      Giftboxul este unul de tip dynamic si poate fi activat/dezactivat direct din comenzi. La fiecare payday vei primi intre 15 si 43 gift points iar atunci cand vei acumula 100/100 gift points vei putea accesa giftul. PUNCTELE GIFT LE VEI PRIMI DOAR DACA GIFTBOXUL ESTE ACTIV DIN COMANDA. <<CLICK PE POZA>>

      Pe server exista 175 de case. Casele ce sunt puse offline/online la vanzare evidentiate prin pickup-ul verde: <<CLICK PE POZA>>

      Pe server exista 78 de bizzuri: <<CLICK PE POZA>>

      Exista un quest activ de primavara, prin gasirea a 100 de buchete de flori ascunse pe harta: <<CLICK PE POZE>>

      In fiecare zi vei primi 2 misiuni zilnice care iti v-a indica sa faci anumite lucruri pe sv ex: Mergi 15 km cu un vehicul de tip X, Sa inoti sub apa 50 de sec, Sa mergi cu un vehicul 30 km care are sub 300 HP, Sa mergi pentru 50 sec cu 220 KM/h, ETC: <<CLICK PE POZA>>

      Sistemul de helperi este exact ca pe neprite, fiecare helper cu intrebarea lui.


      CINE DORESTE SA ACHIZITIONEZE GAMEMODEUL MA POATE CONTACTA LA ADRESA https://www.facebook.com/eduard.ciobanu.69/

      La cerere pot adauga GM-ul pe host pentru orice fel de test posibil. Repet GM-ul s-a comportat grozav la 300 online. Toate sitringurile au fost calculate de catre mine pentru a econimisi memorie, am adaugat iteratori in multe loopuri, multe lucruri trecute pe switch decat if si asa mai departe...repet gm-ul se afla intr-o stare perfecta de functionalitate si de erori.



      LISTA UPDATE-URI: https://gta-samp.ro/forum/index.php?/forum/90-actualizare-server/



      Panelul vine separat si costa 10 euro, panelul este configurat de catre baietii de la wcode.ro.

      Panelul are numarul 9 la baietii de la wcode.ro si costa 25 euro la ei, fiind ce-l mai scump panel al lor. 


    • Link Virustotalhttps://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/d2f78f64f5efd1cc764e5e19a173e348d0b650ca9cea28da9dfea581e561caa8/detection
    • Link download:

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    • Alte precizări: astept un + ca sa nu-l mai vanda vebe si sirius asa aiurea :)) parola este dupa ce imi dai like bagi parola asta la GM eeddyy110 apoi la panel dupa ce dai si comm fain e asta eeddyy


  2. On 5/9/2023 at 10:27 PM, CostiiAdv said:
    1. Username: CostiiAdv
    2. Creator (sau editor): machiamavlad (cred)
    3. Poze/Video în care prezinți index-ul/scriptul: 
    4. Link Virustotal: nu necesita
    5. Link download (cu hide):

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      • Reply to this topic to see the protected content.
    6. Alte precizări: succes


  3. On 7/16/2022 at 2:55 PM, Skyled said:

    Update-urile versiunii 4.7.6:

    Added password resets to administrator logs.
    Added email icons for Twitch and Discord.
    Added the tags page to the disallowed URLs in the robots.txt.
    Added a noindex meta tag for the offline page.
    Included a PHP Version check for CLI tasks.
    Improves performance of alerts list.
    Fixed an issue where predefined tags can throw an error on the Tags form on PHP8.
    Fixed an issue where the Editor > Stock Replies table search did not work in the AdminCP.
    Fixed an issue where images in search results were not grouped for lightbox.
    Fixed issue where word expansions were replacing phrases in the middle of a word.
    Fixed an issue with Google OAuth logins when an error is returned.
    Fixed an issue with custom OAuth logins if a user info endpoint returns an unexpected data format.
    Fixed an issue where club content could display in feeds to users with no permission to the clubs module.
    Fixed an issue where moderators were not sent email notification of new reports.
    Fixed an issue where system logs may be generated if an invalid URL is passed to the redirect code (for email links).
    Fixed an issue where tags could not be removed from content if tagging was disabled.
    Fixed an issue where moving items using the multimod functions did not always reset the container counts.
    Fixed an issue error that can occur when a 'hide' word filter is triggered on content that does not support hiding (personal conversations).
    Fixed an issue where warning a member sometimes generated an exception and a template error.
    Fixed an issue where rebuilding the search index generated pages of logs for orphaned posts/comments.
    Fixed layout of responsive tables in the ACP.
    Fixed an issue where importing/exporting language packs did not use the correct version.
    Fixed an issue where publishing scheduled items were marked unread for the author.
    Fixed an issue that could cause duplicated notifications when using multiple database servers.
    Fixed an issue on the onboarding page when no image was uploaded.
    Fixed issues with confusing language strings in the report center.
    Fixed an issue where Twitter Emoji no longer loads (The CDN providing the images shut down).
    Removed the unused "core_image_scanner_logs" database table.
    Fixed an issue in the topic feed widget where it would show the hover preview when it shouldn't.
    Fixed an issue where the approval reason would not show for topics.
    Fixed an issue where locking a guest topic from the bottom moderation menu behaved differently than using the top moderation menu.
    Fixed an issue where creating a forum may show an error on certain versions of MySQL.
    Fixed an issue where the check for new comments may show the wrong number if the end-user is not on the last page of comments.
    Fixed an issue where the sitemap could contain a link to a database category for a database which doesn't use categories.
    Fixed an issue where deleting a custom field wouldn't drop the column from the database.
    Fixed an issue where deleting previous versions generated a template error.
    Fixed an issue where submitting a file to a category where moderation is required could fail when IN_DEV is enabled.
    Removed an unused cloud setting for max download speed.
    Removed deprecated files data from Downloads File REST API response, use /download endpoint instead.
    Fixed an issue with links to calendars when the default view was not set to overview.
    Fixes an uncaught TypeError exception when viewing badly formed Events URLs.
    Fixed an issue with searching events by current location.
    Fixed an issue where a blank event sidebar would show after events have passed.
    Fixed an issue where online event links would be removed at the start time if no end was set.
    Fixed an issue where repeating events may show on the wrong day when displaying in a different timezone.
    Removed profile tab image view preferences for guests to make it consistent with other areas where preferences can't be saved.
    Added og:image tag to product pages.
    Fixed an issue where saving shipping rates was flagged as not covering all possible values.
    Fixed an issue where a broken or missing blog entry image would break the blog entry page.
    Fixed an issue where blog tags were not appearing in the recommended tags results.
    Changes affecting third-party developers and designers
    New constant DEBUG_HOOKS will log any errors thrown by a hook before executing the parent method.



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