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[SPawn] My Codes


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In this topic, I'll post some codes I'll create for you to understand how this language works.

(NOTE: These codes might not work as intended and might need some changes!)

1. If the player has "Leaks" in their name, it sends a welcoming message to them, eitherway, it sets their health to 200:

#include <sourcemod>

public Action:ClientConnect(int client)
    char name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1];
    GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));

    if (strstr(name, "Leaks") != NULL)
        char msg[128];
        format(msg, sizeof(msg), "Welcome to the server, %s! Enjoy your stay.", name);

        ShowSyncTextMsg(client, 1, msg);
        SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth", 200);

    return Plugin_Continue;



Click! : adelinrzo

Click! quiixx.

Click! : raizo


Guardian of Leaks!


image.png.3ca1bf60c26a3523b93df92ea8521802.png (24.01.2023)

image.png.990bdf55e8ebaad7e92cc11967598b8d.png (12.03.2023)

image.png.25e5d76f6f7de46f49423812d3d500a3.png (30.03.2023)

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  • quix featured this topic
  • Manager

2. Shows when the player kills an enemy by a headshot:

#include <sourcemod>

public Action:ClientDisconnect(int client)
    // Clean up any textdraws when the client disconnects
    ShowSyncHudText(client, -1, "");
    return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:ClientPostThink(int client)
    // Check if the player killed an enemy with a headshot
    if (GetClientProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iLastKilledByHeadshot") == 1)
        // Show a congratulatory textdraw
        ShowSyncHudText(client, 1, "Headshot! Nice shot!");

    return Plugin_Continue;



Click! : adelinrzo

Click! quiixx.

Click! : raizo


Guardian of Leaks!


image.png.3ca1bf60c26a3523b93df92ea8521802.png (24.01.2023)

image.png.990bdf55e8ebaad7e92cc11967598b8d.png (12.03.2023)

image.png.25e5d76f6f7de46f49423812d3d500a3.png (30.03.2023)

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  • Manager

3. Sends a welcoming message every 10 minutes in chat:

#include <sourcemod>

public void OnPluginStart()
    CreateTimer(600.0, RepeatMessage, _, TIMER_REPEAT);

public Action RepeatMessage(Handle timer)
    ChatMessage("\x04[Leaks]\x01 Welcome to Leaks!", -1);
    return Plugin_Continue;



Click! : adelinrzo

Click! quiixx.

Click! : raizo


Guardian of Leaks!


image.png.3ca1bf60c26a3523b93df92ea8521802.png (24.01.2023)

image.png.990bdf55e8ebaad7e92cc11967598b8d.png (12.03.2023)

image.png.25e5d76f6f7de46f49423812d3d500a3.png (30.03.2023)

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  • Manager

4. This code creates a new currency named "LeakCoins" and will be visible by a textdraw at the middle bottom of the screen. If you kill someone with a headshot, you get 10 LeakCoins, eitherway you only get 5 and if you die you lose 5. It updates after every kill / death and resets LeakCoins to 0 after player disconnection.

#include <sourcemod>

new const Float:TEXTDRAW_X = 320.0;
new const Float:TEXTDRAW_Y = 450.0;

new Handle:textdraw_LeakCoins;

public void OnPluginStart()
    // Create the textdraw for LeakCoins
    textdraw_LeakCoins = TextDrawCreate(TEXTDRAW_X, TEXTDRAW_Y, "LeakCoins: 0");
    TextDrawColor(textdraw_LeakCoins, 255, 0, 0, 255); // Set the text color to red
    TextDrawSetOutline(textdraw_LeakCoins, 1); // Add an outline to the text

public Action EntDeath(ent, attacker, weapon)
    if (!IsClientConnected(ent) || !IsClientConnected(attacker))
        return Plugin_Continue;

    if (attacker == ent) // Suicide
        TextDrawSetString(textdraw_LeakCoins, "LeakCoins: " + GetPlayerInt(attacker, "LeakCoins"));
        return Plugin_Continue;

    // Check if the attacker killed with headshot or not
    if (weapon == CSW_DEAGLE && GetClientEyePosition(attacker, Vector:eye_pos) && GetClientEyePosition(ent, Vector:victim_pos))
        new Float:distance = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(eye_pos, victim_pos);
        if (distance <= 128.0)
            SetPlayerInt(attacker, "LeakCoins", GetPlayerInt(attacker, "LeakCoins") + 10);
            TextDrawSetString(textdraw_LeakCoins, "LeakCoins: " + GetPlayerInt(attacker, "LeakCoins"));
            return Plugin_Continue;

    // If the attacker didn't kill with headshot, give them 5 LeakCoins
    SetPlayerInt(attacker, "LeakCoins", GetPlayerInt(attacker, "LeakCoins") + 5);
    TextDrawSetString(textdraw_LeakCoins, "LeakCoins: " + GetPlayerInt(attacker, "LeakCoins"));
    return Plugin_Continue;

public Action ClientDisconnect(client)
    SetPlayerInt(client, "LeakCoins", 0);
    TextDrawSetString(textdraw_LeakCoins, "LeakCoins: 0");
    return Plugin_Continue;



Click! : adelinrzo

Click! quiixx.

Click! : raizo


Guardian of Leaks!


image.png.3ca1bf60c26a3523b93df92ea8521802.png (24.01.2023)

image.png.990bdf55e8ebaad7e92cc11967598b8d.png (12.03.2023)

image.png.25e5d76f6f7de46f49423812d3d500a3.png (30.03.2023)

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  • Manager

5. Adds a command to make someone a VIP and gives them the ability to double jump:

#include <sourcemod>

// Variables
int g_VipIndex = -1;

// Function prototypes
void OnPluginStart();
void OnClientPutInServer(int client);
void OnClientDisconnected(int client);
void OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, CUserCmd@ cmd);

// Plugin initialization
void OnPluginStart()
    RegConsoleCmd("sm_makevip", CmdMakeVip, "Make a player a VIP");

// Player events
void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
    if (IsClientInGame(client) && g_VipIndex != -1 && client == g_VipIndex)
        // Remove the "on ground" flag so the player can double jump
        SetGroundEntity(client, Entity(0));

void OnClientDisconnected(int client)
    if (client == g_VipIndex)
        g_VipIndex = -1;

void OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, CUserCmd@ cmd)
    if (client == g_VipIndex)
        // Double jump
        if (cmd.buttons & IN_JUMP)
            if (IsOnGround(client))
                SetGroundEntity(client, Entity(0));
                SetEntityVelocity(client, GetEntityVelocity(client) + Vector(0, 0, 250));

// Console commands
void CmdMakeVip(int client, const CCommand@ args)
    if (args.ArgC() < 2)
        PrintToChat(client, "Usage: sm_makevip <target>");
    int target = GetTargetClient(client, args.Arg(1));
    if (target == 0)
        PrintToChat(client, "Player not found");
    if (g_VipIndex != -1)
        // Remove the "on ground" flag from the previous VIP player if there was one
        SetGroundEntity(g_VipIndex, Entity(0));
    g_VipIndex = target;
    PrintToChatAll(GetClientName(g_VipIndex) + " is now a VIP!");



Click! : adelinrzo

Click! quiixx.

Click! : raizo


Guardian of Leaks!


image.png.3ca1bf60c26a3523b93df92ea8521802.png (24.01.2023)

image.png.990bdf55e8ebaad7e92cc11967598b8d.png (12.03.2023)

image.png.25e5d76f6f7de46f49423812d3d500a3.png (30.03.2023)

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  • Manager

6. Creates two separate permissions: admin and root, for admin you have the prefix [Moderator] with a green color in chat, and for root you have the prefix [Administrator] with a red color in chat:

#include <sourcemod>

// Function prototypes
void OnPluginStart();
void OnClientAuthorized(int client);
void OnAdminCheck(int client, int authlevel);

// Plugin initialization
void OnPluginStart()
    // Register events
    RegAdminCmd("sm_moderator", CmdSetModerator, ADMFLAG_ADMIN, "Add the moderator prefix to a player's name");
    RegAdminCmd("sm_administrator", CmdSetAdministrator, ADMFLAG_ROOT, "Add the administrator prefix to a player's name");
    RegEvent("client_auth", "OnClientAuthorized", "b");
    RegEvent("player_spawn", "OnAdminCheck", "ci", "1=normal,2=admin,3=root");

// Events
void OnClientAuthorized(int client)
    // Add the appropriate prefix to the player's name when they join the server
    if (GetAdminLevel(client) >= ADMFLAG_ADMIN)
        SetClientName(client, "\x01[Moderator] \x04" + GetClientName(client));
    else if (GetAdminLevel(client) >= ADMFLAG_MODERATOR)
        SetClientName(client, "\x01[Administrator] \x03" + GetClientName(client));

void OnAdminCheck(int client, int authlevel)
    // Update the player's name with the appropriate prefix when their admin level changes
    if (authlevel >= ADMFLAG_ADMIN)
        SetClientName(client, "\x01[Moderator] \x04" + GetClientName(client));
    else if (authlevel >= ADMFLAG_MODERATOR)
        SetClientName(client, "\x01[Administrator] \x03" + GetClientName(client));

// Console commands
void CmdSetModerator(int client, const CCommand@ args)
    if (args.ArgC() < 2)
        PrintToChat(client, "Usage: sm_moderator <target>");
    int target = GetTargetClient(client, args.Arg(1));
    if (target == 0)
        PrintToChat(client, "Player not found");
    SetAdminFlag(target, ADMFLAG_MODERATOR);

void CmdSetAdministrator(int client, const CCommand@ args)
    if (args.ArgC() < 2)
        PrintToChat(client, "Usage: sm_administrator <target>");
    int target = GetTargetClient(client, args.Arg(1));
    if (target == 0)
        PrintToChat(client, "Player not found");
    SetAdminFlag(target, ADMFLAG_ADMIN);



Click! : adelinrzo

Click! quiixx.

Click! : raizo


Guardian of Leaks!


image.png.3ca1bf60c26a3523b93df92ea8521802.png (24.01.2023)

image.png.990bdf55e8ebaad7e92cc11967598b8d.png (12.03.2023)

image.png.25e5d76f6f7de46f49423812d3d500a3.png (30.03.2023)

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  • Manager

7. Creates a textdraw that shows player's velocity with the color cyan and the text "Leaks Speed: ":

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < hamsandwich >

new Float:vSpeed[32];

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("Velocity Textdraw", "1.0", "Your Name");

    register_event("HLTV", "player_disconnect", "a");
    register_event("HLTV", "round_end", "a");

    register_event("HLTV", "player_run_cmd", "ahf", "1=client,2=cmd,3=forward");

    register_clcmd("say", "cmd_say");
    register_clcmd("say_team", "cmd_say_team");


    register_logevent("Velocity Textdraw Enabled.");

public create_velocity_textdraw()
    new id = textdraw_create(400.0, 10.0, "Leaks Speed: ");
    textdraw_color(id, 0x00FFFFAA);
    textdraw_font(id, 1);
    textdraw_letter_size(id, 0.2, 0.8);
    textdraw_set_outline(id, 1);
    textdraw_set_shadows(id, 1);

public player_run_cmd(id, cmd[], foward)
    if(!is_user_connected(id)) return Plugin_Handled;

    if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_FLAG)
        if(!stricmp(cmd, "velocity_textdraw"))
            client_print(id, print_chat, "Velocity Textdraw created.");
            return Plugin_Handled;

    new Float:vSpeed[2];

    pev(id, pev_velocity, vSpeed);

    new Float:Speed = Float:sqrt(vSpeed[0] * vSpeed[0] + vSpeed[1] * vSpeed[1] + vSpeed[2] * vSpeed[2]);

    set_pdata_float(id, 0, Speed);

    return Plugin_Continue;

public client_putinserver(id)
    set_pdata_float(id, 0, 0.0);

public player_disconnect(id)
    set_pdata_float(id, 0, 0.0);

public round_end()
    for(new i = 1; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++)
            textdraw_set_text(Float:vSpeed[i], i);

public cmd_say(id, msg[], team)
    return Plugin_Continue;

public cmd_say_team(id, msg[])
    return Plugin_Continue;



Click! : adelinrzo

Click! quiixx.

Click! : raizo


Guardian of Leaks!


image.png.3ca1bf60c26a3523b93df92ea8521802.png (24.01.2023)

image.png.990bdf55e8ebaad7e92cc11967598b8d.png (12.03.2023)

image.png.25e5d76f6f7de46f49423812d3d500a3.png (30.03.2023)

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