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Mod de joc - Best-Times.


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On 7/20/2019 at 3:55 AM, AleksandruAdv said:

Buna ziua dragi membri ai acestei comunitati pe nume Leaks, astazi vin aici in fata voastra cu pretextul ca sa va prezint ceva, ma rog.. 

Treaba e ca nu m-am mai atins de el, si-am zis ca n-are rost sa-mi mai fac eu server, ca pana la urma, s-au impreunat servere mama lor de poponari, este nephrite,bugged,b-zone, ma rog.. 

Ei treaba e ca poate imi trebuie de o pauza (oricum sunt in pauza de o luna, da mno);

Bun, acum sa vedem ce contine acest best-times csz csf, bun treaba e ca am inceput de la un bigzone foarte vechi, de acum 3 ani mi se pare, am inceput sa fac si eu cateva modificari, am ajuns oleaca mai departe;

Inloc de BLUE / nume, acum e KING / %s, mi s-a parut o idee mai ok.

Modificarile sunt:

- BigZone Original edit by AleksandruAdv.
- Has been changed:
- The city is Las Venturas, so i put spawn here;
- added / fixes business in lv, exam, etc;
- Added command /area <item> <range> <amount>;
- Added command /giveall <item> <amount>;
- Changed any commands;
- cmd colors has been optimized;
- Deleted inutil commands(/areafreeze, areagun, etc);
- Added a giftbox level system(advanced);
- Added command /setoffline <exact name> <option(helper,admin,staffwarn) <amount>;
- Giftbox are done, you can win sultan if you are very luck;
- Added command /make <playerid/name> <function> <amount/number> (functions: leader,admin,helper);
- Added command /sultangift only for admins 6+, /sultangift <strval number>;
- /atl and /agl changed / optimized;
- Added command /raport (isn`t done);
- Added command /askin only for admins;
- Added /acover and acover off, more systems, more optimization;
- Added new commands for groups. /gdeposit mats, drugs, money;
- Added Golden Account / benefits: 2x payday money / 3 gems payday / 1pp payday | personal shop only for golden`s players;
- Added ysi_va and iterators, vips / helpers / admins run on iterators now for optimization;
- Added grades for vips / new iterators / functions: v1-bronze. v2-silver, v3-gold, v4-platinum;
- delete command clearsalaries and givesalary & created command /takesalary for take ur personal salary / 300k on payday;
- deleted any inutil variables: pcrimes, pdeaths, database optimization;
- this gamemode isn`t very good optimization because i dont have time for this, but you can make this.
- this gamemode have 5,6k lines, now have: 4,6k;
- added command /go just for admins 1+;
- command /ah is now <1,2..6>, and have a good model;

Stiu, am luat-o pe engleza ca un ratat, ms ms;

Ideea e ca chiar s-a facut ceva, sa fiu sincer inspiratia mea a fost new-times, nu chiar la fel, dar totusi, am incercat sa fac cate ceva;

Niste poze, prietenii mei frumosi: https://imgur.com/a/WlpTO2v

Orasul era oarecum mutat, dar eu gen am mai rezolvat cu biz-urile, spawn-ul a fost fixat mai bine, gen atunci era cam aiurea te dadea mai in fata, bleaks.

Gamemode-ul nu a avut un panel exact, am sters toate legaturile cu panel-ul, daca vrei un panel, va trebuii sa-ti faci tu legaturile cu db.

Bug-uri mici au fost, (am intrat maxim de 10 ori sa vad daca merg diferitele comenzi), adica daca tu esti bazat pe tine si zici ca e bun facut, atunci la ce pul* mea sa mai intru?

Bafta coaie.

Link de download prietenii mei:

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