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[REZOLVAT] bani infiniti in banca


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Intrebare: cum pot sa am bani infiniti in banca, de exemplu sa imi fie $10,000,000,000. (am vazut ca este o limita pana in $1,400,000,000, si nu se mai pune virgula in /stats, adica daca depaseste de 1.4kkk se pune 1500000000.)
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Acum 17 ore, Nigga a spus:

inteleg, dar doar atat, nu trebuie modificat nimic in gm legat de variabile?



Daca nu te descurci adauga asta intr-un include sau in gamemode


stock Add64Bit(&ammount_store, &ammount_more, value)
	if(value == 0) return 1;
	new rest = 0;
	new allowed = 2000000000-ammount_more;
	if(value <= allowed) ammount_more += value;
	else ammount_more += allowed, value -= allowed, rest = value;
	if(ammount_more >= 1000000000)
		ammount_more -= 1000000000;
	else if(ammount_store > 0 && ammount_more < 1000000000)
		ammount_more+= 1000000000;
	if(rest > 0)
		if(ammount_more+rest > 2000000000) allowed = 2000000000-ammount_more, ammount_more += allowed, rest -= allowed;
		else ammount_more += rest, rest = 0;
	for(new i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		if(ammount_more >= 1000000000)
			ammount_more -= 1000000000;
	return 1;
stock Value64Bit(ammount_store, ammount_more, value[])
	if(ammount_store == 0) format(value, 128, "#%d", ammount_more);
	else format(value, 128, "#%d%09d", ammount_store, ammount_more);


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