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NoNiAdv last won the day on March 4 2019

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About NoNiAdv

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  1. Nu stiu nu ma bag vorbesti cu iobit :))
  2. Username:NoNiAdv Nume gamemode:Gamemode Chronos Creator (sau editor):iobit Poze/Video în care prezinți modul de joc:Nu am Link Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/e8670af95171696c3a5260a56467d8c919070c9180aef1fb72464d304320b72f/detection Link download:[hide]https://www102.zippyshare.com/v/AxvgIJFJ/file.html[hide] Alte precizări: Am lucrat la acest gamemode in decurs de 1 an si cateva luni. Buguri : comanda /v nu merge pentru ca nu se incarca ceva bine din baza de date, cel putin asa cred eu. Systeme : Tutorial system de la 0 (gen sv. lui raduq) - blackjack - crash system - inprumut bancar - sumo arena - battle arena ( H1z1) - race arena - open crates ( unic ) - clan vehicle, safebox clan - payday pe TD - garage system - /buygun pe TD - majoritatea comenzilor din bizz-uri / sisteme se actioneaza prin tasta Y - gm-ul dispune de 19 job-uri GM ESTE EDITAT DE IOBIT & DROOM NU AM NICI O TREABA EU LAM LUAT DE PE SAMP ..... SI LAM POSTAT AICI CA NU ERA ATAT.
  3. Sau mai poti face asa sa pui la cmd:admins loop(x:p_admin) { if(PlayerInfo[x][pAdmin] >= 1) { if(PlayerInfo[x][pAdmin] == 7) format(szMessage, 256, "(%d) Scripter %s", i, PlayerInfo[ix[pUserName]); else if(PlayerInfo[x][pAdmin] == 6) format(szMessage, 256, "(%d) Owner%s", i, PlayerInfo[x][pUserName]); else if(PlayerInfo[x][pAdmin] <= 5) format(szMessage, 256, "(%d) %s - admin level %d",i,PlayerInfo[x][pUserName], PlayerInfo[x][pAdmin]); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, szMessage); } }
  4. Wow ce greu era sa faci o baza compatibila cu gm.
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